Regenerative Sky, also known as Regenerative Climate, is our program of work to build a healthy and resilient net-zero world. 

Learn about our goal to Regenerate Nature by 2030 here.

Fires, floods, coastal erosion, droughts, sea level rise, and other climate change impacts are devastating communities and wildlife worldwide as food security and habitats are threatened. To save the species, places, and communities we love, we must do everything possible to keep global heating at 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The good news is we have the solutions and opportunities to do this. It’s not too late. The science is clear that fossil fuels are at the root of climate change. The most important thing we can do to avoid climate catastrophe is to accelerate a fast, best and just transition to renewable energy. Australia has the resources and technical know-how to become a renewable energy superpower and a global leader in phasing out fossil fuels.

Even as we strive to keep 1.5°C alive, we know that there are unavoidable climate impacts that require adaptation. We also know that it's the communities that have contributed the least to the problem who are suffering the most severe impacts.

Nature offers some of the most effective solutions to the climate crisis. Nature-based solutions - like protecting, restoring and sustainably managing forests, mangroves and reef systems - can help to store carbon and are helping communities around the world build their resilience to climate change.

Research also shows that nature-based solutions that are led by and support the aspirations of Indigenous and local communities are more effective.

Change is inevitable, but we can influence how it occurs and ensure that the solutions created benefit climate, nature and communities, globally and locally.

Our vision

Our vision is to support Australia to become a global leader in securing a healthy climate powered by communities, nature and renewable energy.

How we'll achieve this

WWF Supporters take part in the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice march through Glasgow during COP26 in 2021
© David Bebber / WWF-UK

Building momentum for COP31 to be hosted in Australia in partnership with the Pacific.

We aim to secure a defining moment for climate, nature and communities to stabilise global warming to 1.5°C by building networks that spread awareness around COP31, supporting decision-making processes that elevate First Nations and Pacific experience and knowledge and working with the WWF international network to magnify collective climate action. 

COP31: Australia's Opportunity
Renewable energy wind workers
Renewable energy wind workers © WWF-Australia / serts / iStock

Calling on our leaders to rapidly phase out fossil fuel exports and ensure a fast, best and just transition renewable energy production by 2050.

We aim to see clean, reliable and connected renewables established at speed and at scale in ways that minimise harm and aim to protect critical ecosystems. 

Renewables Australia
WWF's microfinance program to empower women by starting small businesses is supported by John West and Australian Aid.
© WWF-Aus / Wade Fairley

Support Indigenous and local communities in Australia, the Pacific and Southeast Asia to harness the power of nature to build resilience and solutions to climate change.

We will support the sustainable development aspirations of at least 120 Indigenous and local communities while championing nature-based solutions that complement the phase-out of fossil fuels.

Nature-based solutions