WWF’s Renewable Energy Buyers Forum and Business Renewables Centre Australia (BRC-A)

Welcome to WWF-Australia’s Renewable Energy Buyers Forum! Now with over 250 member organisations including many top 50 ASX-listed companies, Australian universities, state and local governments, as well as renewable energy generators, retailers and professional service providers, we are now transitioning our Forum across to the recently launched Business Renewables Centre Australia (BRC-A) to provide even greater support to accelerate the uptake of renewable energy by Australian organisations.

The BRC-A is an online information hub and marketplace platform that will simplify, streamline and accelerate corporate purchasing of large-scale wind and solar energy and storage via corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Like the Forum, the BRC-A is a not-for-profit initiative and an independent place for energy buyers, developers and service providers to connect.

The BRC-A is supported by funding from ARENA and the Victorian and New South Wales Governments over the next 3 years. The goal of the BRC-A is to help Australian organisations to procure 5 GW of renewable energy by 2030. The BRC-A is an initiative of Climate-KIC Australia, WWF-Australia’s Renewable Energy Buyers Forum and the Institute for Sustainable Futures (UTS).

BRC-A is a member-based platform providing a wide range of educational resources, networking and partnership opportunities, and industry insights. Our early founding members and partners of the BRC-A include the Carlton & United Breweries, Monash University, Windlab, FlowPower, Energy Estate, Energetics, Schneider Electric, WePower, Presync, Clean Energy Council, Australian Energy Storage Alliance, Green Building Council of Australia and Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance. We will be holding the BRC-A launch event in Sydney on Monday 12th November 2018 and in Melbourne in 2018 (date to be confirmed). For more information on how to join the Business Renewables Centre Australia go to our How to Join page.

New PPA Guide Released

We are delighted to announce the release of the NSW Guide to Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PDF 595.4KB) (Oct, 2018) prepared by Energetics and Norton Rose Fulbright, with support from the WWF Renewable Energy Buyers Forum and a financial contribution from the NSW Government.

Procuring renewable energy is a smart business strategy, with benefits that include financial hedging and risk management, brand building, investor appeal and an improved social license to operate. Together, we’re learning how to develop corporate renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) to achieve these goals.

Latest events & presentations

Our latest event was held at the Energy Efficiency Expo in Adelaide on 22nd August 2018. We would like to thank ICN for hosting us, and our presenters from Arup, SIMEC Zen Energy, Inner West Council, ESCO Pacific and DP Energy. 

Renewable Energy Buyers Forum in Adelaide
© WWF-Aus / Jackie McKeon

In July, we held our Forum at DLA Piper, Brisbane on Thursday 26 July 2018. We would like to thank our presenters from Mars Global, Next DC, Sunshine Coast Council, Department of Natural Resources, Mining & Energy (Qld), Windlab, WePower, Intelligent Water Networks (DELWP, Vic) and DLA Piper (event sponsor). 

We hold Forum events quarterly. If you would like to join the Forum or more information about this event, please contact Jackie McKeon at jmckeon@wwf.org.au

We are pleased to announce the release of ‘Best of Both Worlds: Renewable Energy and Load Flexibility for Australian Business Customers’ (August 2018) prepared by Institute for Sustainable Futures (University of Technology Sydney) for Flow Power, in partnership with WWF-Australia. This new report illustrates the benefits of buying wholesale electricity with demand response and Corporate Renewable PPAs. It includes a study of energy cost savings made by three organisations located in Victoria.

Also available is ‘Green Hedging: A Guide to Structuring Corporate Renewable PPAs’ prepared by Baker McKenzie in partnership with WWF-Australia, and funded by the NSW Government Department of Environment & Heritage. This guide unpacks the types of Corporate PPAs available in the Australian market and considers both the opportunities these arrangements can offer, as well as the current challenges in bringing them to fruition.

The Australian energy sector is in a state of transition. Energy consumption patterns are shifting and so are expectations that we deal with the challenge of climate change. Network and energy costs are increasing and renewable energy is becoming more cost competitive. As a result, Australian companies are exploring their options and becoming more sophisticated in their energy purchasing. Some are looking to purchase more renewable energy, but there are barriers to them doing so. Since early 2015, WWF-Australia and a number of companies, institutions, and state and local governments have met to discuss the complexity of energy markets under the banner of the WWF Renewable Energy Buyers' Forum. We've looked at the opportunities and impediments, and the technological and price disruption taking place. And we've explored a range of purchasing options, such as large-scale generation through GreenPower or other models, localised generation, and support for community-owned renewable energy projects.

Current number of members (businesses, government, generators & investors) that have now joined the Forum is now over 150 and rising.

Sustainable goods and services, once niche and expensive, are fast becoming ubiquitous and affordable. Renewable grid electricity is no different. We believe the business renewable market in Australia is poised for success.

Ben Waters


For more information please contact:

Monica Richter, Senior Manager, Low Carbon Futures, mrichter@wwf.org.au or (02) 8228 6823